, Nina Hristozova

Bericht Juniorinnen U17 Turnier 13.11.2022

The Future is Bright: U17 Tournament Update 13.11.2022

This Sunday our players travelled to Lucerne to meet their new opponents. But, not only the opponents were new for our players. Also the playing system (Läufer 1), the level (U17), the intensity and speed of the game and a lot of the teammates. But one thing didn’t change - their fighting spirit and their desire to play volleyball and get better and better at the game.

Now, let’s focus on the tournament. We had 4 games in total, we managed to push almost all of them to a 3rd set, but unfortunately just a little bit was not enough to win those. With every next set one could see that our girls were becoming more and more confident, really believing that every impossible point can be saved and won and finally starting to really hit.

Volleyball was not the only thing that our players were up to throughout the day. There were chemistry books and notes lying around and cookies to give us energy. We also introduced Tabata - our new core warm up exercises. Everyone absolutely loved it and did not complain to their coach at all (only if true).

Now it’s time to go back to the videos from the games and identify what would be the first areas to work on to prepare us better for our next tournament. We might have not won any game this Sunday, but we do believe that the future of our team is bright and we won’t give up without a fight.